Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean has been the Delegate of International Relations for the Inria Nancy-Grand Est center until September 1st 2013.

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean is an elected member of Inria Evaluation Commission (CE).

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean is head of the Inria Committee on Equal Opportunities

  • Olivier Zendra is head of the Documentation Committee of Inria Nancy Grand Est (Commission IST); member of the Health, Safety and Work Environment of Inria and of Inria Nancy Grand Est - LORIA Committees (CNHSCT and CLHSCT); member of the Inria Committee on Prevention of Psycho-social Risks and Quality of Life at Work (PRPS-QVT); member of the Permanent Education Committee of Inria Nancy Grand Est - LORIA; member of the new Sustainable Development Local and National Committees; member of the Inria Nancy Grand Est - LORIA Committee for the selection of hardware configurations; member of the Inria Committee on Equal Opportunities

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean was member of the selection committee at University of Lorraine (position 27MCF0387), University of Toulouse (position 61MCF0789) and Inria Nancy-Grand Est (CR2 contest)

  • Olivier Zendra is CIR expert for the Ministry of Research for the scientific evaluation of research in companies.

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean is an ANRT expert for evaluating CIFRE applications.

  • Olivier Zendra was an expert for evaluating COFECUB applications in 2013.

  • Olivier Zendra is founder and steering committee member of the ICOOOLPS (International Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems) workshop, usually joint to ECOOP.

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean is steering committee member of RTSOPS (joint workshop of ECRTS) and WMC (joint workshop of RTSS).

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean was co-chair of RTSOPS (ECRTS 2012) and WMC (RTSS 2013) as well as co-editor of the respective proceedings.

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean was program committee member of IEEE RTSS 2013, IEEE ETFA 2013, DATE 2013 and IEEE SIES'2013.

  • Olivier Zendra was program committee chair of ICOOOLPS 2013.

  • Olivier Zendra was program committee member for CIEL 2013.

  • Olivier Zendra was workshop organization chair for the 3 collocated conferences ECOOP 2013, ECSA 2013 and ECMFA 2013.

  • Olivier Zendra was organization committee member for CIEL 2013 (for which he was primary contact), GDRP GPL 2013 and AFDAL 2013.

  • The permanent members of TRIO team are reviewers for numerous international Conferences and Workshops and, in particular for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer Communications, Journal of Discrete Event Systems, Journal of Systems Architecture, Journal of Embedded Computing, Journal of Scheduling, Theoretical Computer Science, ACM Surveys, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Information Processing Letters, Science of Computer Programming.